Let us discover
reveal & uncover
what is
waiting to be
set free.
Express yourself

Feeling well, happy and connected is our right and how we were born to be. We can heal our soul when we connect to our true self and find a balance between thinking, feeling and willing.
I can help you find your inner state of peace and the resilience to move forward with the joy of living.
Growing is a process that requires change & change can be scary. Art helps to processes that change without words, so that integration and acceptance can take place.
Paint, draw, sculpt, play, come have fun with me!
When was the last time you played, had fun, spent time on you?
I offer transpersonal Art therapy, talking therapy/counselling, Health & Wellbeing sessions (Individual, group) and more
I also use an alternative way to learn English
(in person Reims/Tinqueux, France or via video call/zoom)
Kirsty N

Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul.
Vincent van Gogh
What if you dared to show yourself?
How far would you go, if you had nothing holding you back?
Let's work together so you can realise & see what I see!
On this journey together we will go into the unknown, to create a life of curiosity, imagination and joy.

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
Vincent van Gogh

The expressive arts are important for our health and well-being.

Enjoying the little pleasures in life, becoming like a child again

"He, to whom nature begins to unveil her open secrets, feels an irresistable longing for her worthiest interpreter, art"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe